A new video produced for Alhurra channel explores the ongoing anti-government protests in Israel. A significant aspect of these protests is the vocal opposition from Israeli military reservists, which marks a critical moment in the country’s political landscape. The protests have been ongoing for months, sparked by the government’s plan to overhaul the judiciary. full video here

The video highlights the stance taken by Israeli military reservists who are openly against the government’s plans. It delves into the worries of more than 10,000 reservist soldiers who have signed an online petition to “fight for the soul of the nation”. This refusal by reservists to perform their duty raises significant concerns about the possible threats that an internal rift within the military could pose to the country’s security.

As a Visual Editor, I collaborated with the journalist covering this story and the Content Lead Editor to determine the best approach to produce this video. I designed the necessary elements using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, created motion graphics GFX using Adobe After Effects, and edited the video and sound design in Adobe Premiere.